Viewing source code files from the server
which support rendering for: ShowTableNow
ShowTableNow.php :
main PHP server side code; has dev portions not used here.
<?php //error_reporting(E_ALL); //ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); include_once("../inc/mysql2i.class.php"); // deprecated php5-mysql api to php7-mysqli, work-around //var_dump(session_id()); echo"<br/>"; session_start(); if(!isset($_SESSION['views'])) { $_SESSION['views'] = 1; $_SESSION['ses_id'] = session_id(); $_SESSION['ses_num'] = 42; // should be a server wide var ++d $_SESSION['ses_time'] = time(); $_SESSION['user_ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } else { $_SESSION['views'] += 1; } //diag: foreach ($_SESSION as $item=>$val) echo " $item = $val<br/>"; // Authenticates the user & doing Login as needed //=================================================================== //if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) { // $_html = file_get_contents("Login.php"); // // fill in his specifics // $_html = str_replace("{user_ip}",$_SESSION['user_ip'],$_html); // $_html = str_replace("{ses_time}",$_SESSION['ses_time'],$_html); // echo $_html; // output this portion of this page // exit; // done for now, till he gets logged in //} //-------------------- User session is logged in ----------------------- // $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; // $user_name = $_SESSION['user_name']; $permissions = explode(",",$_SESSION['access']); //var_dump($access); // ----------- Fetch request parameters $table_name = !empty($_REQUEST['table_name'])? $_REQUEST['table_name']:null; $items = !empty($_REQUEST['items'])? $_REQUEST['items']:'*'; $where = !empty($_REQUEST['where'])? $_REQUEST['where']:null; $order = !empty($_REQUEST['order'])? $_REQUEST['order']:null; $table_sql = "SELECT $items FROM `$table_name` \n"; if ($where) $table_sql .= " WHERE " . $where . "\n"; if ($order) $table_sql .= " ORDER BY " . $order; // Disalow code injection into the SQL query // ----------------------------------------- $uinput = $items . $where . $order; if ((strstr($uinput,';') . strstr($uinput,'--') . strstr($uinput,'/*') . strstr($uinput,'#') . strstr($uinput,'()') . stristr($uinput,'select') . stristr($uinput,'script')) || $uinput != strip_tags($uinput) ) { $table_sql = "select 'The generated query violates security!';"; $permissions = null; $table_name = strip_tags($table_name); // $items = '*'; // $where = ''; // $order = ''; } $items = strip_tags($items); $where = strip_tags($where); $order = strip_tags($order); $table_sql = strip_tags($table_sql); // ----------- if requested log em' out if( !empty($_REQUEST['logout']) ){ unset($_SESSION['user_id']); unset($_SESSION['access']); unset($_SESSION['ses_id']); echo ("<h3><center>You have been logged out.</center></h3>"); exit; } $title = "Table SQL Viewer"; // ---------- connect to the MySQL DB table used on this page $dbname = 'microapps'; include('../../www-conf/DBconfig.lib.php'); // ============================ Do a Download if requested if( !empty($_REQUEST['download']) ){ if (!in_array('admin',$permissions) && !in_array('download',$permissions)) { echo "<script>alert('Security Violation! You do not have the proper approval to perform the requested operation !')</script>"; } else { //echo ("<pre>");print_r($_REQUEST);echo ("</pre>"); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=table_download.txt"); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); ob_clean(); flush(); //$stmt = "select * FROM {$_REQUEST['table_name']}"; $stmt = $table_sql; $query = mysql_query($stmt); $results = array(); while($result = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $results[] = $result; } $content = $results; $txt = ''; // on the first line give the field names foreach ($content[0] as $field=>$val){ if (is_string($field)) { $txt .= (empty($txt))? $field : "\t".$field; } } echo ("$txt\r\n"); foreach($content as $row){ $txt = ''; foreach ($row as $field=>$val){ if (is_string($field)) { $txt .= (empty($txt))? $val : "\t".$val; } } echo ("$txt\r\n"); } //flush(); exit; } } // ============================ Otherwise build the web page include(''); head($title); // generate the site wide std top section of the page echo "<small><font color='black'>This form allows you to experiment with basic SQL ... see both results & the query used. (fill in just those text entries you care to before exersizing a new SQL query.)</font></small>"; // -------------- provide a Selector with the table names in it that can be choosen $sql = "SELECT table_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE table_schema = '$dbname'"; $query = mysql_query($sql); $rows = mysql_num_rows($query); echo "<div id='outer_div'>"; echo "<h5>Tables</h5>"; $tables = array(); while($result = mysql_fetch_array($query)){ //echo $result[0]; echo "<br/>"; // if (in_array('admin',$permissions) || !preg_match('/^admin_.*/', strtolower($result[0]))) { if (in_array('admin',$permissions) || !preg_match('/^admin_sessions.*/', strtolower($result[0]))) { // use while testing $tables[] = $result[0]; } } ?> <select style="width: 320px;" name="table_name" id="table_name" value="???" onChange="javascript:document.location.href='ShowTableNow.php?table_name=' + $('#table_name').val();"> <option value="" >- Select a Table -</option> <?php foreach ($tables as $table) { echo ("<option value='$table'" . (($table==$table_name)? " selected='selected'>":'>') ."$table</option>"); } ?> </select> <?php if (!in_array($table_name,$tables) && !empty($table_name)) { echo "<script>alert('The requested Table is not among those accessable !\\nPlease select one from the pulldown.');</script>"; $table_name = ''; } // ---------------------------- If he has selected a table then build all the sections regarding it if ( !empty($table_name) ) { // --------------- create the Table Structure section sleep(1); // this is for effect to let the user is the "Loading..." spinner $sql = "DESCRIBE $table_name"; $query = mysql_query($sql); $rows = mysql_num_rows($query); echo ("<div onClick=\"$('#tbl_struct').slideToggle(1000);\" style='cursor:pointer; color:Gray'>table structure >> </div>"); echo ("<pre id='tbl_struct' style='display: none;'>"); $tbl_fields = ''; while($result = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $i = 1; foreach ($result as $col_name=>$data) { if (is_string($col_name)) { if ($i==1) { echo ("\t"); $tbl_fields .= "<li><a onClick=\"javascript: add2select('$data');\">$data</a></li>"; } if (!empty($data)) { if ($data=='YES') { echo ($col_name ."\t"); } elseif ($data=='NO') { echo ('NOT ' . $col_name ."\t"); } else { if ($i<3) echo (str_pad($data,20)); else echo ($data ."\t"); } } $i++; } } echo ("\n"); } echo ("</pre>"); // --------------- customize the the template for the main section of the page $main_html = file_get_contents("Content_ShowTable.tpl.html"); // fill in page sections as needed $main_html = str_replace("{user_name}",$user_name,$main_html); $main_html = str_replace("{main-content}","<p/>",$main_html); $main_html = str_replace("{menu}","",$main_html); $main_html = str_replace("{sidebar}", "<div style='width:30px;'> </div>",$main_html); $main_html = str_replace("{extras}","",$main_html); $main_html = str_replace("{table_name}",$table_name,$main_html); $main_html = str_replace("{tbl_fields}",$tbl_fields,$main_html); $main_html = str_replace("{items_val}",$items,$main_html); $main_html = str_replace("{where_val}",$where,$main_html); $main_html = str_replace("{order_val}",$order,$main_html); echo $main_html; // output the main portion of this page // --------------- Fetch the table DATA $sql = $table_sql; //echo ("<pre>" . $sql . "</pre>"); $query = mysql_query($sql); $rows = mysql_num_rows($query); $title = $table_name; if($rows == 0){ $title = 'No table data found'; } // ---- Prevent code injection going to the browser $sql = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($sql)); // --------------- form the HTML for the Table section ?> <p> <h1 class="sectionLabel" style="display:inline-block;"><?php echo $title; ?></h1> <!---span title="<?php echo $sql; ?>" style='color:#B0B0B0; margin-left:40px;'><b> mouse over to view SQL </b></span---> Results of: <?php echo $sql; ?> </p> <table id="dataTable" width="800" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1" align="center"> <?php if($rows > 0){ $first_row=true; ?> <tr> <?php // ---------- Output the Table contents $col_names = array(); //$colOpts = "<option value='' ></option>"; $order_fields = ''; while($result = mysql_fetch_array($query)){ if ($first_row) { // ---- build the table header with Column Nmaes $first_row = FALSE; echo "<tr>"; foreach ($result as $col_name=>$data) { if (is_string($col_name)) { echo "<th>$col_name</th>"; $col_names[] = "'" . $col_name . "'"; //$colOpts .= "<option value='$col_name' >$col_name</option>"; // setup col options picker $order_fields .= "<li><a onClick=\\\"javascript: add2order('$col_name');\\\">$col_name</a></li>"; } } echo "</tr>"; } echo "<tr>"; // ---- fill in the columns with data foreach ($result as $col_name=>$data) { if (is_string($col_name)) { if ($col_name===NULL) echo "<td>NULL</td>"; else echo "<td>$data</td>"; } else { if ($col_name===NULL) echo "<td>NULL</td>"; } } echo "</tr>"; } ?> </td> </tr> </table> <br/><br/> <!--------------------------------------------------------------------> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ suggestions = new Array( <?php echo join(",",$col_names); ?> ); //$('#col_choices').html("<?php echo $colOpts; ?>"); $('#order_fields_list').html("<?php echo $order_fields; ?>"); <?php if (!in_array('admin',$permissions) && !in_array('download',$permissions)) { echo (" $('#downloadData').css('display','none');\n"); } ?> }); function add2order(item) { //item = $('#col_choices').val(); newtxt = $('#order').val(); if (newtxt == '' || newtxt == '*') { newtxt = item; } else { newtxt += ', ' + item; } //alert("order being set to:" + newtxt); $('#order').val(newtxt); } function add2select(item) { newtxt = $('#items').val(); //alert("items:" + newtxt+":"); if (newtxt == '' || newtxt == '*') { newtxt = item; } else { newtxt += ', ' + item; } //alert("items:" + newtxt); $('#items').val(newtxt); } </script> <?php } } //$sql = str_replace("'"," ",$sql); // if (empty($table_name)) echo ("<span title=\"$sql\" style='color:#B0B0B0;'><b> mouse over to view SQL </b></span>"); echo ("</div>"); // end of the outter div // foot(); // generate the site wide std bottom section of the page // $bottom = file_get_contents("../inc/bottom.ssi"); // $bottom = str_replace('</span>', '</span> | <a href="viewSrc.php?src=ShowTableNow"> view server code </a> ', $bottom); $bottom = file_get_contents("../inc/bottom_src.ssi"); $bottom = str_replace('viewSrc.php', 'viewSrc.php?src=ShowTableNow', $bottom); echo $bottom; ?> :
some common page pieces/parts
<?php function head($title="Default") { $site_meta = file_get_contents('../inc/site_meta.ssi'); $html = <<<HTML <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>$title</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="author" content="Ron Miller" /> $site_meta <style type="text/css" media="screen"> @import "css/styles.css"; </style> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" /> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="AutoText.js"></script> <style type="text/css" media="screen"> @import "AutoText.css"; </style> </head> <body> <!-- img source="smstrips.jpg" --> <div xheigth="80px" style="background:#E02020;"> <!-- <img title="GOOD COOKIES & FOODS" alt="GOOD COOKIES & FOODS" src="images/otis_logo.png" width="162px" border="0" /> --> <div style="display:inline-block;"> <center><h2 class="header" style="margin-left:60px;">PHP-SQL sample <font size=2> - illustrates SQL statements and PHP coding</font></h2></center></div> </div> <div style="float:right; color:#444444;" ><small>Hello, {user_name} | <a onclick="$('#outer_div').load('showtable.php?logout=true')"/> (logout)</a></small> </div> HTML; $html = str_replace("{user_name}",$_SESSION['user_name'],$html); echo $html; } function foot() { echo <<<HTML <br/> <hr/> <font size="-1"> <p class="copyright footer" style="text-align:center;">© 2011 DR.Miller. All Rights Reserved. Click here for trademark and copyright information. </p> </font> <div id="debug" class="debug"> </div> </body> </html> HTML; } ?>
Content_ShowTable.tpl.html :
template; used to form the final page, in realtime.
<div id=menu>{menu}</div> <table> <tr> <td> <div id="sidebar" class="sidebar">{sidebar}</div></td> <td> <div id="main-content"> {main-content} <form action=""> <input type="hidden" name="table_name" value="{table_name}" /> Select the fields of interest ... <div class="dropbox"> <span><a class="hide"><u>Fields</u></a> <ul> {tbl_fields} </ul> </span> </div> <br/> <b>SELECT </b> <input name="items" id="items" type="text" style="text-align:center; width:500px;" value="{items_val}" /> <br/><br/> Filter out the table data ... <font color='black' size=1> e.g. USER_ID>200 or UPD_USER='rmiller'</font><br/> <b>WHERE </b> <span> <input name="where" type="text" class="autotext" index="0" style="width:500px;" value="{where_val}" autocomplete="off"/> <br/><br/> </span> <div class="shadow"><div class="output"></div></div> Sort that resulting data set ...<br/> <b>ORDER BY </b> <input name="order" id="order" type="text" style="width:400px;" value="{order_val}" /> <div class="dropbox"> <span><a class="hide"><u>Fields</u></a> <ul id="order_fields_list"> </ul> </span></div> <!-- <select onChange="add2order();" id="col_choices" value''></select> --> <br/><br/> <input type="submit" onClick="loadingNotice();" class="button" value="Build & Perform the SQL query" /> <input type="button" style="float:right;margin-right: 100px;" id="downloadData" value="Download Data" onClick="location.href = 'showtable.php?download=1&' + $('form').serialize()" /> </form> </div></td> </tr> <tr><td><div>{extras}</div></td> </tr> </table> <div id='diag'></div> <div id='diag0'></div> <div id='diag1'></div> <script type="text/javascript"> function loadingNotice() { $('#dataTable').html("<h3 style='text-align:center;'>Loading...     <img src='images/spinner.gif' /></h3>"); } </script>
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